Tuesday, September 30, 2014



High, hy, hi,-tech-tec Red Neck

Strange things can happen on the inter net, if you publish anything via a service like Wordpress, MyOpera or any such service, it can happen that the service is discontinued or that a company goes bankrupt and unfortunately, is forced to discontinue it's services to it's customers and contributers. Sure you say, you can always republish the same material with another company, but what if your original material is now penalized for duplicate content by search engines? I do not have the answer to that question and there is only one way to find out, try it!

So here is my first experiment, the image above was first published in MyOpera, a company that also has a browser with a decent following, that decided, unfortunately for us, to discontinue it's free service. Other previously published images will also be republished on various other blogs to see how this affects their Search Engine ranking without using SEO manipulation.

If you have had a similar experience with a free service that went down I'd like to hear from you. If you are into pure senseless brutal mechanical violence like I am, you can click on the image to view it full size, and stay tuned because there will be more.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hotel No-tell.
The last guests overstayed their welcome and left shell shocked in 1945. Plans are in the works to restore the building to it's former glory but differences of opinion remain between the owner and those that would finance the operation.